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How to Setup SFTP Server Using GCP VM With a Mounted GCP Bucket

SFTP is the secured method of implementing FTP where you can use a server or storage location as FTP location which you can transfer files from your local computer to remote server. In this article we discuss how to create a SFTP server using GCP (Google Cloud Platform).  Even though the best way is to use a GCP bucket which is low cost for large file storage in GCP theres no direct way to implement a SFTP connection directly to the bucket. Therefore we need to have a VM (Virtual Machine) in GCP in order to act as a server for file transfers.  Generate SSH keys Generate the SSH keys using following command. This generates a public key and a private key which we going to use later. ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa Create VM in GCP First of all you need to create a GCP account here  which they provide $300 credit for new users which is enough for you to get start for free. To create a VM you need to access Compute Engine and VM instances.  Create Bucket Login to Gcloud Setup ...
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